This post on If Not Now, When?, the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, was written by Susan Ringel, a teacher in our Fairmount Temple Religious School.
Near the conclusion of our full year of learning over Zoom, 2020-21, I offered the following home learning task to the 4th and 5th Grade Parent Child Hebrew Class, and the 6th Grade Hebrew Class:
It is “Your Turn To Teach”!
Think of a question that you have about Judaism, research it, and then tell us about the question and the answer. Or, tell us about your favorite Hebrew letter or word, and why it is your favorite.
I encouraged everybody to make a visual slide with their responses. Then, I “shared my screen” on Zoom during class, so that our parents and students could tell us about their responses. I was thrilled with what we all learned from each other and I think you’ll enjoy seeing and reading their responses too!! Click on this link to read their wonderful responses.
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