February 21, 2025 -


We invite you to become a valued and cherished member of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, a community committed to:

  • Kindness. From our founding in 1842, our commitment has been to be an Anshe Chesed (“people of loving kindness.”). We see this commitment as guiding our work in building a caring community, a leading institution in interfaith dialogue and advocacy, and in encouraging individual members and families to pursue acts of social justice.
  • Learning. All who encounter Anshe Chesed will be touched by our love of learning. We commit to a range of lifelong learning opportunities, including classical study of Jewish sources, to worship that encourages members to learn, and to a variety of programs that encourage the learning of diverse points of view.
  • Inclusion. We embrace all persons at Anshe Chesed, seeing each individual as having equal value. We commit to the inclusion of families representing all ages and financial means. We commit to equality between men and women, and to warmly include in our community both interfaith families and all who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.
  • Relationships. The building of relationships is deeply woven into the work of Anshe Chesed. We seek to meaningfully relate with God, with Torah, with one another and with the people and land of Israel. Whether our community meets within the walls of our synagogue, at a partnering church, mosque or synagogue, in one of our homes, or traveling to the State of Israel, relating to one another and establishing enduring ties to the community are paramount.

Any questions, please give us a call at 216-464-1330 or email us to set up a personal visit, meet our clergy team, or learn about membership at Fairmount Temple. We can be reached at  (216) 464-1330 or contact our Membership Coordinator Tali Sanaam at Tsanaam@fairmounttemple.org. She would welcome the opportunity to share more about Fairmount Temple with you.

We also have a Membership Form online you can access here.

We look forward to welcoming you to Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple!