This blog post on “If Not Now, When?” the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, is excerpted from the keynote address shared by Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk at the Cleveland Commemoration of the Sandy Hook Shootings, sponsored by the Multi-Faith Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, held at the Church of the Covenant, Euclid Avenue, in Continue Reading »
This entry to “If Not Now, When?” our interactive blog, is excerpted from the remarks of Fairmount Temple’s Senior Rabbi, Robert Nosanchuk on Monday, April 8 at a demonstration on the steps of Cleveland’s City Hall. Together with Mayor Jackson, US Attorney Dettelbach, Chief of Police McGrath, members of the Cleveland City Council, gun safety Continue Reading »
Due to the recent (January 16, 2013) announcement by the White House of an array of proposals and executive actions on responding to gun violence, and the array of congregants who are each week contacting Rabbi Nosanchuk’s office regarding our taking action, we are posting Rabbi Nosanchuk’s column from the forthcoming February Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple Continue Reading »
Many are asking: how to finish celebrating Chanukah? How can we light the menorah and celebrate these last two nights, as news begins to pour in about another, yet uniquely horrific incident of violence in our country, this time in an elementary school in Newtown, CT, where young children, educators and staff were killed. Rabbi Continue Reading »
(Pictured above) – The FHN 57, a popular weapon at local gun stores, nicknamed the “cop-killer” based on its lethal capacity to pierce police body armor. Rabbi Nosanchuk wore a police body vest pierced by a powerful rifle round during his remarks, in order to raise awareness among community members about the dangers of inaction Continue Reading »
Rabbi Nosanchuk offered this prayer tonight at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple to introduce a prayer for healing and peace, in light of the terror attack which murdered Israeli tourists in Bulgaria this week, and the horrible gun violence which erupted in a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado, just before the beginning of Shabbat on Friday, Continue Reading »
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