Archive: February 2014

Lighting Up Our Community: Rabbi Nosanchuk’s D’var Torah on Our New Project in Jewish Spiritual Practice

Posted on February 28, 2014

The prayer book that you hold in your hands – Mishkan T’filah– is named for the beautiful vision described in the verses of this Shabbat’s Torah portion. In our portion, the final verses describe the symbolic presence of God within the portable sanctuary the Israelites have been working so hard to build.  We imagine tonight the inspiration that Continue Reading »

Chipotle vs. the Synagogue – An Open Fairmount Discussion

Posted on October 19, 2012

This blog post originates from a conversation/discussion that took place at tonight’s (Friday, October 19, 2012) Shabbat worship at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, in which we will take a very serious blog post from and allow it to springboard a wide array of conversations in temple, between us, about what we can learn from Chipotle in synagogue Continue Reading »

Revolution! Fairmount Temple chosen as site for B’nai Mitzvah Revolution in Cleveland – Cantor Sager

Posted on September 13, 2012

Today I am a man!” It is immediately recognizable. It is a cultural phenomenon. It is a term known to Jews and non-Jews alike and a source of endless jokes, of too-frequent and ostentatious excess, of caricature and misunderstanding. It has become so ubiquitous in the media that both The Simpsons and Frasier have featured Continue Reading »