February 21, 2025 -
Caring Community Coordinator
I will provide you with meaningful opportunities to participate in our caring community, both by connecting you with other temple members and by reaching out to the larger community. Ask me to help you find your special place in our congregation!
Communications Director
I can answer questions about our newsletter mailed to our members, e-blasts, including getting on the email list, as well as supporting our temple groups with publicity.
As Controller, I am responsible for the finances and budgets of Fairmount Temple as well as being in charge of all the benefits for our employees.
Assistant Controller
I am responsible for membership receivables, temple payables as well as staff payroll.
Religious School Administrator
If you have any questions about our Early Childhood Center or Fairmount Temple Religious School – I am here to help you find the answers and direct you to the right person.
Membership Coordinator
As our temple’s Membership Coordinator, I am here to help you learn more about this dynamic and engaging temple community, while helping you build connections with us. Feel free to reach out to me to learn more, welcome you to our services, or answer any questions you might have.
Senior Program Assistant and Assistant to the Executive Director
I am senior program assistant and administrative support for the Executive Director. I also can help you with questions about facility rentals, perpetual yarhzeits, Friends of Fairmount, and our Yizkor Book of Remembrance.
Programming Assistant
I schedule the appointments and am administrative support for both Cantor Lapin and Cantor Laureate Sager and I assist families planning a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. I also work with our clergy and families with funerals and stone settings as well as creating the mishebeirach list and milestone blessings list for Shabbat Services.
Programming Assistant
I schedule the appointments and am administrative support for both Rabbi Nosanchuk and Rabbi Caruso. I assist those planning a wedding, conversion, or bris/baby namings. I can also help with Zoom support (scheduling, Zoom links) and support our temple’s work with the Greater Cleveland Congregations.
(216) 464-1330
I can help you with donation questions, put your name on our weekly yarhzeit list, and help direct you to the right staff person to assist with others questions.
(216) 464-1330
I have just joined the Fairmount Temple team as afternoon receptionist and am here to help answer your questions and connect you with our staff, and I look forward to meeting you.
Music Director
Alexandre Marr has had a diverse career as a music director, collaborator, soloist and educator. Holding a Master of Music in Piano Performance from Kent State University, he has served on the piano faculty at its Hugh A. Glauser School of Music. He has worked with Temple Israel of Canton, Temple Israel of Akron, the Akron Symphony Chorus, and Cleveland Institute of Music
Maintenance Supervisor
Our amazing Maintenance Team is led by Supervisor Aaron Reynolds. Aaron is responsible for overseeing a terrific staff and maintaining our treasured Fairmount Temple.
Maintenance Staff
Michael is a long-time member of our Maintenance Staff, and is always ready to help you as needed, and always with a smile.
Maintenance Staff
Desmond is another long-time member of our Maintenance Staff, and you’ve probably seen him working behind the scenes during services or Religious School.
Maintenance Staff
Kevin is the newest member of our Maintenance Staff, and you might see him on some evenings or Sundays. He’s so new we don’t have his picture up yet, but we’re happy to have Kevin on our team!
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