February 21, 2025 -



Our Hope

  • Is to create beautiful and inspiring worship experiences that will resonate with your soul, challenge you to strengthen your connection to Judaism and to act for a better world
  • Is to collaborate in a true and loving fashion between clergy, community, worshipers, volunteer ushers and greeters, and Fairmount Temple staff, all who are present to help you attend worship virtually or in-person and be uplifted and inspired.

We invite you to join our community in celebrating Shabbat

Every Shabbat (Friday) evening, Fairmount Temple offers a 6:15 pm Shabbat Service with soothing prayers, inspiring teachings and uplifting music. In addition to our clergy, we often host guest speakers, scholars, activists and musicians to help demonstrate the relevance of Judaism in encountering the world.

In addition to our Shabbat Evening Services, we offers special services throughout the year, such as:

  • Simchat Shabbat – Simcha means joy, and this special Simchat Shabbat experience for children from 0-5+ and their families and is a song-filled celebration filled with joy, that we host once a month at Fairmount Temple
  • Special Occasions – We’ve experimented with offering healing services, or rituals such as nightly lay leadership of Chanukah menorah candle-lightings. We encourage you to share ideas with us at Fairmount Temple for ways we can assist and be a resource to you in fulfilling Jewish rituals for special occasions in our Jewish calendar or in response to current events happening in the world.
  • High Holy Day and Festival Worship – In collaboration with one another and members of our community, choir, Torah and prayer readers, accompanists and guest musicians, our clergy lead inspiring worship on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Passover, Shavuot and Chanukah. Four times per year, we host memorial yizkor services to help our community members remember their loved ones and we also celebrate with great festivity the joy of holidays such as Simchat Torah and Chanukah with special music and playful modern interpretations of our Jewish tradition.

We invite you to join us here to watch and participate in one of our live-stream Shabbat or High Holy Day services. We welcome your questions and ideas. Feel free to email our Senior Rabbi Robert A. Nosanchuk to ask a question or request a time to meet to discuss our worship at Fairmount Temple and your aspirations for this part of our community.

“At Fairmount Temple I am not only a rabbi. I am part of the Jewish people who remain on an expedition. Over time and after years of patient work I pray for God to bear witness to a more honest and soulful faith to be born in my heart. What I’m trying to say is– I am here to aspire. At Fairmount Temple if our worship works we all aspire together to build a more whole and just and peaceful world. At the instant we pray we become the words we’ve said or chanted or sung.” 

-Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk, Yom Kippur, October 6, 2014