February 21, 2025 -



We invite you to join us in Worship, in-person, or via our live-stream. Check our calendar for specific service details or call us at 216-464-1330. Due to a major fire at Fairmount Temple on April 13, Shabbat Services are being held in various venues in and around Fairmount Temple. Please visit this page for updates.

Shabbat Evening Services – Every Shabbat (Friday) evening, Fairmount Temple offers a 6:15 pm Shabbat Service with soothing prayers, inspiring teachings and uplifting music. In addition to our clergy, we often host guest speakers, scholars, activists and musicians to help demonstrate the relevance of Judaism in encountering the world.

Simchat ShabbatSimcha means joy, and this special Simchat Shabbat experience for children from 0-5 and their families is a song-filled celebration filled with joy.

Special Occasions – Periodically we offer special services or rituals, such as nightly lay leadership of Chanukah menorah candle-lightings. We encourage you to share ideas with us at Fairmount Temple for ways we can assist and be a resource to you in fulfilling Jewish rituals for special occasions in our Jewish calendar or in response to current events happening in the world.

High Holy Day and Festival Worship – In collaboration with one another and members of our community, choir, Torah and prayer readers, accompanists and guest musicians, our clergy lead inspiring worship on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Passover, Shavuot and Chanukah. Four times per year, we host memorial Yizkor services to help our community members remember their loved ones and we also celebrate with great festivity the joy of holidays such as Simchat Torah and Chanukah with special music and playful modern interpretations of our Jewish tradition. To watch our most recent Services, click on our YouTube page. There you’ll also find the the High Holy Days Services, September, 2023.